10 Facts About Me
08:28:00As I Haven't been doing Blogging for very long I thought that today's post you could learn a little more about me :)
Fact 1. My favourite colours is Orange and when I play monopoly I always have to buy all the Orange streets.
Fact 2. I have a black cat who I received as a Christmas present when I was 8. He's my Baby.
Fact 3. I live in the UK but when I finish school and college I hope to travel around the world and live in the US for a couple of months
Fact 4. My favourite music artist is Halsey
Fact 5. I've never been to a concert
Fact 6. I will be a Fashion Student in September
Fact 7. I am 15 years old
Fact 8. I took Art and Textiles for my GSCE
Fact 9. I have to make someone laugh every single day
Fact 10. Me and my sister fight all the time!
x Tell me a fact about you x